Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Not only a fence

...but a gate too *happy face*

Kitchen Gardens, Henlow are well underway now.

We are assured that by Friday the plots will all be marked out.  Then it is over to each of the plot holders to cut their turf, husband has been booked, Jerusalem Artichokes are waiting in the bag to get cracking and make like a wind-break.


There is much to discuss …..


I do hope the workmen remove their vans before finishing the fence!


  1. Jeez, can I ever look normal on a photo again??? Compost area is looking good, might be able to pop round Sunday and check progress?!? It's really quite exciting!

  2. You look normal to me :)

    My plot is line-painted, now to turf-cutting. It's very exciting from where I'm sitting :)
