Tuesday, 5 July 2011

July 2011

Having lived with our current garden for eight weeks now, I have decided there is nothing I don’t like about it – apart from the bindweed and even that is a pretty ‘weed’ when in (if allowed to) flower.
The pretty orange rose that you have seen before
This is the first military garden that I have had, in 16 years, that has been worked by a previous owner, albeit a couple of owners ago I would guess.  Whilst I have been left with a couple of stunning roses (names unknown) I have had to get rid of the lilies, which were just coming into flower, as I have two beautiful cats that follow me around the garden and I don’t want the vet bill that would follow them munching on the lilies.

Measuring has taken place ready to lay a patio, this is going to be hard work as the ‘lawn’ is uneven and very hard, a turf cutter is needed but sadly we do not have access to the back garden other than through the kitchen – so it will be elbow grease, sweat and sore hands for us.  We have been questioned by our neighbour as to why on earth we would want to go to such extremes as putting in a patio when we know we will be posted out at some point.  I haven’t shown them the plan for paths, arches and a pond yet for fear they will think me very odd indeed!
Veg sowing was underway at a very fast rate over the last couple of weekends to try to ensure some crops are available this year, I am trying out the square-foot method in large raised tubs.  Currently showing up are dwarf French beans, salad leaves of all types, salad onions, Kohl Rabi, Raab, beetroots and lots of Pak Choi – I hope this last one won’t bolt as it really doesn’t like it too hot.
Hanging basket Toms
I have opted for plant-bought Tumbling Tom tomatoes and strawberries in wall-fixed hay baskets, the baskets have been placed on a very sunny wall so fingers crossed for some delicious red fruits.
The blueberry bushes are showing promise with masses of fruits having set, this despite being bunged into a removal truck and left in the dark over night, then trundled up country, dumped in the back garden and pretty much left to it whilst I unpacked the house.  It is showing some signs of sulking with a few leaves browning early, I’m wondering if this is because it didn’t get as much water as it would have liked.
We have been experiencing temperatures of 32 for the last couple of days, which has made me re-evaluate some of the plants that I brought with me from our last garden, some are really struggling here due to the very sunny aspect – I shall have to be more selective, to quote Roy Lancaster ‘Right plant, right place’.
The orange rose, left by a previous occupier, is stunning – in the morning it looks as though someone has put a 40 watt bulb inside each bloom, it is almost too bright to capture on camera, I don’t know the name of it so if anyone recognises it please let me know.  I am going to try and take cuttings of this one as it is so beautiful; I would like it running through the garden a bit more.
Centura Black Knight and pink Candytuft
Also looking lovely is the dark purple of the Centura Black Knight and pink Candytuft and the Sisyrinchium straitum ‘Aunt May’ which has now been renamed to Phaiophelps nigricans.
Sisyrinchium straitum ‘Aunt May’
New planting that has gone in is a combination of Miscanthus sinensis Flamingo with Verbena bonariensis to give us a slight screening of a corner and Nicotiana sylvestris with Potentilla Fireball, which should, hopefully, give a nice white/orange corner.